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Friday 15 November 2013

Cycling for cancer :D

Woke up to loud voices outside my bedroom. And this is all I could hear, "Road clear, no cars, no worries! on your way". To my surprise I could see a volley of cyclists energetically zooming past my street. Rushed downstairs to find out what's going on. And that's when mom told me that these guys were cycling for a good cause, "Cycling for Cancer". Heaps of people passed through the narrow alley and rode down the steep hill merrily. I was in awe of these people who were cycling for a really great cause. The came in all shapes and sizes :p Old, young, small, tall, skinny, happy, grumpy... all. All of them took part in this charity. They wore a yellow t-shirt, which represented the cancer society.

Three big cheers to all of you guys for the charity and hardship!!
I hope I maybe a part of your team one day :D

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